10 Main Reasons For Hair Loss In Your Mid 20’s

Hair loss at the age of ’20s and ’30s?

It is very difficult to digest that at the age of 20 or 30 someones can become bald. We always think that baldness only happens to older men and women. But the fact is different, In today’s busy life baldness at the age of 20 and 30 is very common. Both men and women are facing this problem.

Age is not a criterion for hair loss. There is much other reason for hair loss, so let us discuss 10 main reasons responsible for premature hair loss.

Reasons For Hair Loss In Your Mid 20’s

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1. Stress:

When it comes to personality and look hair plays a major role. Stress is one of the main reason for premature hair loss During stress our body response totally differently and when our body is stressed, blood supply and nutrition are supplied to the important organ of the body, with very less amount of nutrients left for hair. Shortage of blood supply and nutrition to the hair follicles leads to graying of hair and premature hair fall

2. Anemia:

Anemia: a very common problem in India is also responsible for hair thinning. When there is iron deficiency it causes Anaemia: Women are more prone to Anaemia: or iron deficiency.

There are many reasons for iron deficiency like less intake of iron-rich food, in women heavy periods is one of the reasons for iron deficiency. Iron Deficiency can cause pale skin, fatigue, feeling cold all the time and hair loss.

3. Alopecia:

Alopecia is a condition where the immune system of our body attacks hair follicles. Hair follicles become smaller and stop producing hair and lead to hair loss. It usually results in spot baldness.
In this usual hair falls in small patches and it can happen not only the scalp but even other parts of the body. It prevents hair growth on the patches. Yes, it is a bit difficult to cure but treatment is available to help the hair grow back quickly and prevent future hair loss.

4. Hereditary:

It is one of the common factors for baldness and hair loss. Hereditary pattern baldness is not a disease but a condition that is caused by the combination of genetics, hormone and aging process. In hereditary pattern baldness, people start losing their hair and slowly progress towards complete hair loss in patches.

Hereditary pattern baldness is diagnosed by its pattern and history of the same type of hair loss affecting family members.

5. Excessive Smoking:

Hair growth requires a good supply of oxygen, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients to hair follicles. Lack of supply of oxygen and nutrition can cause hair thinning can lead to baldness.

We know that smoking is bad for health. Yes, it is bad for health and even for hair. Smoking can cause hair loss. Cigarettes contain Nicotine and carbon monoxide and this element reduces the blood circulation in our body and to the extremities including the hair follicles. Smoking cigarettes can damage the hair follicles DNA which leads to hair thinning.

6. Excessive Hairstyling:

At the age of 20 youngsters are more attracted to use hair styling products. Excess of everything is bad always. Excess use of hair dryers is bad as it damages our scalp and can impact the hair follicle. Too much heat impact the elasticity of the hair and this causes the shaft to break off which leads to hair fall.

Similarly, excessive usage of hairstyling and colouring can damage hair follicles and cause hair loss. It makes the hair dry and brittle, can cause the hair strands to break.

7. Scalp Infections:

Scalp infection is a condition called Scalp folliculitis. Folliculitis looks like small acne of inflammation around the hair follicle and they can cause soreness and itching and affects hair follicles on the scalp. If the folliculitis is very severe, it may even cause the inflammation which may damage the hair follicles which leads to bald spots on the scalp.

8. Diet and Lifestyle:

In a healthy lifestyle like an improper diet, less sleep, stress or skipping meals has bad impact on the health of hair and scalp. A healthy diet can make one’s mane healthy and glossy. If one does not take essential nutrients from the food its effect can be seen on the hairs.

9. Hypothyroidism:

Thyroid disease is one of the medical conditions which can affect our hair growth. Usually, there are two types of thyroid problems like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. So proper function of the thyroid gland is important and abnormal production of thyroid leads to hair changes.

But the good thing is once the thyroid disease is diagnosed and thyroid level is regulated, hair loss can be prevented.

10. Hormonal Imbalance:

Hormones play a very important role in our hair growth. If female estrogen is the hormone responsible for proper hair growth. If the estrogen production is high it can lead to hair thinning and leads to hair loss.

In a male, hair follicles are pretty sensitive to the hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

When testosterone is converted into DHT, it shrinks the hair follicles which cause shorter hair and eventually hair growth stops.


Diet, exercise, avoiding stress can play a very important role in proper hair care. Luckily in most of the case hair problem can be solved and hair grows back and hair loss can be reversed if proper care and medication are done.

Consult your dermatologist if you see something wrong and get proper treatment. Early intervention or treatment can prevent further dame and can give an effective result.


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